Drop your plans, board a plane to somewhere exotic. Can you drop all your plans at a drop of a hat?

This latest campaign from W+K (part of Heineken's global 'Voyage' campaign), a follow up from "Dropped" from W+K Amsterdam (if you haven't seen it, where have you been?), challenges someone anyone to drop everything and just go on a trip that Heineken neither paid for, nor planned for.

What is 'Dropped'? A series of videos featuring would-be adventurers that are sent to remote destinations around the world to have their adventures filmed. Watching it at work is not a good idea! I was laughing a lot. If anyone watched the 'An idiot aboard' series, you would love this! These guys are literally dropped into environments designed to make them feel uncomfortable. The challenge? They have to make their way home. 

Departure Roulette? If you happened to be in Terminal 8 at JFK Airport then you would have seen the Departure Roulette, travellers aged 25 or older can push the button and off they go, the downside? They had to be willing to drop their existing travel plans and immediately board the plane to the unknown. For someone who loves to travel, this just sounds like a dream to me. (No idea what would happen if they didn't have the visas or documentation to actually get there though...)

One player, Greg Vosits, a doctoral student in psychology, won a trip to Cyprus when he pushed the button. He had to abandon his six-week visit to Vienna to visit his grandparents, but Heineken gave him $2,000 for expenses and booked him into a hotel for two nights. Lucky him!

A section from Fox News

A commercial part of the campaign.

Let's hope there's more to come in this campaign!


See how easily freaks can take over your life

A shocking yet funny Belgium ad produced by Antwerp-based communications agency Duval Guillaume for Febelfin, to urge you to be safe online.

Using a real person who lives in Burges, the thief takes over Tom's life really easily just by using his facebook. the thief doesn't just stop there, he even tried to look like him and went to Tom's parties. The scary thing was he actually did look like him! A great way to freak people out.

How easy can someone take over your life just by going on your facebook? I def know to hide all my details from now on.


Life's a stick, go chase it.

A campaign that cost O2 10 million pounds, clever but what is it advertising?

It wasn't until I researched the ad to find out that it's an advert to gear up for the launch of 4G!? VCCP, responsible for this campaign are also the creators of the compare the meerkat (compare the market) ads.

The O2 ad that reached 385,000 views after being on Youtube for 48hrs is now the talk on everyone's lips, yes the TV ad is brilliant but is anyone actually going on the site? ( The website is beautifully designed and the tech itself is just beyond words. Yes this kind of tech have been done before and seen but this has been used efficiently. If you haven't been on the site yet, then I urge you to go and throw a frisbee.

Youtube, also known as Cat Videos, are the perfect place to place an ad like this. No more cats vs Dogs, dog lovers will love it and cat lovers will love it.

A brilliant campaign, but will it make you change your phone provider to O2? It certainly doesn't work for me and  I'm a cat lover... I hope we will hear more from this campaign, maybe a more clear indication they will be launching 4G could persuade me more.


Let me introduce myself...

I'm a designer and I love advertising. I was a blogger for advertising week and now I have decided to start my own blog to talk about advertising instead of just to friends. I'm in a job that I don't have a passion for but life means money and I'm hoping one day I will break into advertising as a creative designer.